Did you miss me?
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m back! Work got a little crazy, and responsibilities took over. I’ve missed writing on this blog. My creative release is here right on this blog. Being unable to dive…
Playa Del Carmen
Our trip to Playa del Carmen was an interesting one. We first started this journey because 20/20 was a year of curveballs, uncertainties, stress, drama, and any other thing you can think of…
Do You Really Need Travel Insurance?
The quick and short answer is HELL YES! Life is so unpredictable. You never know what’s going to happen and everyday life things out of your control can happen at the drop of…
Is Life An Adventure?
Do you think life’s an adventure? Would you have the guts to jump/rappel off the top of a ball that 560 feet high? I know it sounds and maybe looks crazy but life’s…
What’s So Special About Travel?
Have you ever wondered how the rest of the world lives? What does their regional or local cuisine taste like? Well, so have I! That’s why I’m getting serious about embarking on this…
Welcome to My World
Thank You all for choosing to join me on this journey of discovering the world. Stay tuned for exciting updates and travel stories. Is there’s something you want to see or hear about,…
6 Continents & 25 Countries Later
I’ve been around the world a few times and I’ve loved every minute of it. Just in case you were wondering, below is my list* Aruba Australia Bahamas Belgium Bermuda Canada Colombia Egypt…